Tuesday 2 January 2018

Asia? Not Only East Asia!

The author chose the title above because the writer feels that there is a "complicated" problem, and it will be a big problem if left uninterrupted and if nobody can correct this problem.
Why the author calls this a "problem", because it is a global problem, a worldwide problem, involving the existence of a country. This "problem" is experienced by the author after the author tries to communicate with people from other countries through foreign friendship sites. The author found a foreign friendship site that can be accessed easily on the internet page, the way to sign up on this site is very easy, only sign up with e-mail address Voila! account is already accessible. In accessing the site, the author only aims to broaden the association of the International and want to know the culture and language of other nations residing in the other hemisphere, which may be currently the author has not been able to reach it.

Based on the author's experience while on the site, the author tries to communicate with people from Asia (other than Indonesia, as the author is from Indonesia), Europe, Africa, Oceania, and America (North and South America). From the observations made over a year, the authors conclude that Asia is a very popular country by other nations, most of them Europeans and Americans. This is evidenced by several accounts from Europe and America who wrote their interest in Asia.

That friendship site offers users to write a description of themselves, interests, needs and the purpose of joining users on the site (for more details will be explained in the next article, about the site). For example, the site offers users to write interest in learning a foreign language on their account. In this section or part for the interest of learning a foreign language, most people from Europe or the Americas write their interest in languages ​​from the East Asian region, such as Japanese, Chinese, to Korean. Not only in this section, the account users write interest in the language in the East Asia region, but in the interest column of the users also write their interest in the culture of the countries in East Asia, Japan, China and Korea (South Korea) . Nearly 85% of things related to East Asia, are in great demand by those people. And 15% interest for other Asian regions (Central Asia, West Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia). So, they know the term "asian or asian people" which means people from Asia, only for the Japanese, China and Korea.

In fact, according to wikipedia, the term "asian or asian people" is to describe people from the Asian continent, covering the whole of Asia, not just East Asia. This is where the problem arises, because of their "misunderstanding" or mistakes (those who call "asian or asian people" only for the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans) to "catch" an information about Asia.
The author has often communicated with people from Europe and America, and asked the meaning of "asian or asian people", and the answers they give, based on his understanding, that "asian or asian people" are people from Japan, China and Korea (East Asia), and they always describe that "asian or asian people" are always white skin, black-haired, black-eyed and slanted-eyed (just like the image of the East Asian nation). With the "problem", the author who is also an "asian" trying to straighten it out with this article. The author, with various sources explaining about "Asia" and the term "asian or asian people".

On this earth there are 7 continents that almost the entire surface is inhabited by humans. The continents are Asia, Europe, Oceania, Africa, Antarctica, North America and South America. Among the 7 continents, the Asian continent is the largest and most densely populated continent. The continent of Asia is a unique continent, inhabited by humans who come from various ethnic, racial, religious background and also experience different seasons of each region.
Asia is a continent that covers almost 9% of the territory on earth, and with a population density of 44,579,000 km2. Asia is divided into various regions according to its geographic position. Asia is divided into 5 regions, namely: West Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia and Central Asia.

Central Asia is an area with countries that are predominantly fractional states of the former Soviet Union. Parts of Russia also include Central Asia. The countries in Central Asia are Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Armenia and Georgia.
If viewed on the map of the world indeed the countries are located in the middle of the Asian continent. Its white-majority population is like Europe and some are Asian-faced, but there are some who look like East Asian peoples (especially people from former Soviet Union countries), because of its proximity to East Asia. Central Asian countries are a developing country. The Soviet republics are in predominantly mountainous areas and valleys that are cultivated, farming for their livelihoods, as well as gold, uranium, coal, petroleum and natural gas mining which is one of the main sources economy of the country. In addition to agriculture and livestock, the valleys are made a residence for nomadic people, this is done by some Kyrgyz nations, which geographically does have a broader green valley region than any other country in Central Asia.
 Then in Southeast Asia, there are countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Brunei Darussalam, Philipine, Vietnam, Cambodia, East Timor. The countries in the region are members of ASEAN, the unity organization of nations in Southeast Asia aimed at promoting economic growth, social progress and cultural development of member states, promoting regional peace and stability, and increasing the opportunity to discuss the difference between its members peacefully. With this organization among nations can exchange student, culture and language.
Countries in West Asia, often referred to as "Middle East". Countries have the same cultural and linguistic similarities as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, Oman, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, Cyprus, Lebanon, Bahrain. Many countries from the region are rich countries, due to abundant petroleum mining. Furthermore, South Asia is an Asian region dominated by countries that are mostly dark-skinned but different from the African continent. The countries that inhabit this region are India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives.
The latter is, East Asia, which is the Asian region located in the eastern region of Asia. Countries in this region are dominated by yellow and narrow-eyed peoples. Such as Japan, China (People's Republic of China), North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, Hong Kong (Dependencies of China), Macau (Dependencies of China).
The advance of technology in East Asian countries makes this region as a developed region compared to other Asian countries. But not all countries in the East Asia region is a developed country. Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea are developed countries. Other countries in East Asia are developing countries. China, Japan and South Korea into 3 countries, which have enormous influence for the world. Most of the electronic devices used by the world today are manufactured by the three countries, such as Sony (Japan), Samsung (South Korea), and most of the world's products are mass-produced in China.
With the division of the Asian continent into five regions, making Asia a diverse continent of its inhabitants. Various tribes, cultures, religions, skin color, posture, facial contours and so on.
Based on the explanations described above, it can be seen that the word "Asia" is a continent inhabited by several countries and various ethnic, cultural, religious, color, posture, facial contours and so on, and the term "asian or asian people" is a term to call people from Asia, from across Asia, not just from East Asia.
The problem may be caused by the very high popularity of East Asian countries and their culture has a tremendous effect on the world.
With this paper, people of the world who know "Asia" and know the term "asian or asian people" who only for East Asian countries can change their understanding of "Asia" and the term "asian or asian people" is the name for the whole countries in Asia, not just countries in East Asia.

This video maybe can help you to understand about countries in Asia :



Reference :

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